Achieving Sustainability through a Greener Economy

Creating a more resilient and sustainable future, today

Friday, Oct 27, 9:30-12:30PM

Presentation cover photo for Achieving Sustainability through a Greener Economy.

One of our four priority areas is Sustainability & the Green Economy, which is currently one of the greatest challenge affecting the sustainability of our towns.

Please review The Welcome Presentation from this event.

Over 70 attendees discussed existing tools, local governance efforts, and business successes that are making Southern Georgian Bay a hot spot for ensuring economic sustainability in a changing world. Our area will succeed with a triple bottom line focus (economic, social, and environmental benefits for our collective budget spending) and will be able to readily adapt to upcoming challenges.

Everyone enjoyed a gathering where participants could bring their own personal and professional perspectives to an integrated discussion, with themes on climate action, protecting and enhancing natural areas, running local businesses, and providing services for communities. While all the sectors represented do great work in their respective spaces, there is a desire to break down the silos that ultimately impede sustainability, which ensures a strong future.

“Stay in your lane and collaborate” is a memorable catchphrase that came up, which means that we need to harness the competencies, focus areas, and interests that already exist among individuals, the groups they represent, and those around them, while collaborating for greater impact.

Following excellent speaker presentations (links are below to each presentation), the 10 breakout groups re-emphasized the need for continued education and collaboration on the sharing of ideas and successes to be supported by municipalities. Further, youth must be included so that they are ready to join the charge. Big ideas were discussed including regional metrics, green development standards, business sustainability certification, and new economic models.

The biggest audacious goal coming out of the event is the creation of a Green Economy Hub that could function as a rallying point around which people can continue working on agreed-upon goals and metrics. Stay tuned for progress on that community goal!

Panel 1 for Achieving Sustainability through a Greener Economy.
Panel 2 for Achieving Sustainability through a Greener Economy.

We believe that Southern Georgian Bay can meet today’s needs of the planet, its people, and economic vitality…without compromising the needs of future generations.

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