Two important events with registration links, TISGB in the news, and a call for financial support.

In this newsletter:

  • Register for our May 31 virtual event Social Finance – Closing the Gap on Housing Affordability: What we can learn with the Ottawa Community Land Trust
  • TISGB in the News!
  • You’re invited – Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Master Plan Information Session
  • Learn about the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan
  • Call for 2023 Program Support

Join us for Social Finance – Closing the Gap on Housing Affordability: What we can learn with the Ottawa Community Land Trust

Wednesday, May 31, 4:30-6pm – virtual event

So, what are the financial solutions to the housing crisis? Hear how the Ottawa Community Land Trust (OCLT) is helping to mobilize community wealth to support affordability for all; how we can move beyond housing subsidy as a solution; and how residents, municipalities and other organizations can pitch in to help.

The OCLT is a social enterprise pursuing innovative ways of preserving housing affordability in the national capital region. Their mission is to acquire existing rental properties and turn them into non-profit affordable housing and to secure vacant land to develop various types of affordable housing in the future. They work with other local groups—from housing providers to developers—who are committed to keeping housing affordable – forever.

This event will explore Ontario community innovation in solving the affordable housing crisis. Learn about the genesis of the OCLT, why to choose a land trust, key elements for success so far, and next steps, including the development of a community bond campaign, as well as the involvement of the Ottawa Community Foundation.

What if we did this in Southern Georgian Bay?


  • Mike Bulthuis, Executive Director, Ottawa Community Land Trust
  • Satyameet Singh, Campaign Manager, Tapestry Community Capital
  • Gillian Fairley, General Manager, Community Futures South Georgian Bay

Register today!

TISGB work continues to make a splash in the news!

As our volunteer work gains traction, we celebrate the growing coverage that amplifies our call for collaborative leadership and action, spreading our message of positive and necessary change far and wide. Together, through our four pillars and multi-sector partnerships, we are driving impactful transformations and inspiring others to join in.

Marilyn Struthers talks with Ian Adams, about the Institute’s Affordable Housing Toolkit: ‘We’ve got to start now’: Regional think tank presents affordable housing toolkit for south Georgian Bay municipalities. Housing getting out-of-reach for workers in Collingwood, The Blue Mountains, Wasaga Beach. Read the full article here.

Will the More Homes Built Faster Act live up to its name and solve our housing crisis?’ Trent Gow, On the Bay Magazine, interviewed among others, volunteer Board Chair Rosalyn Morrison on The Institute’s work on affordable housing in our region. Read the full article here.

You’re invited to Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Master Plan Overview Session on June 6th

By Jenn Rae, Housing Development Coordinator, Town of Collingwood.

Affordable Housing Master Plan

We are at the vitally important public and stakeholder consultation stage for our Affordable Housing Master Plan and will be hosting an overview session on June 6th, followed by smaller, focused sessions for deeper conversations with stakeholders.

Join a community conversation about affordable housing in Collingwood. Housing affordability is a critical issue that affects not only those who are struggling to make ends meet, but our entire community as a whole. The lack of affordable housing has a ripple effect that touches every aspect of our lives. It affects our economy, our education system, our healthcare system, and our overall quality of life.

The issue cannot be solved by any one group alone – it requires a collaborative effort from all of us. Your input and expertise are crucial in finding solutions that will work for everyone. We believe that there are creative solutions that can be found through collaboration and innovation.

On Tuesday, June 6th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., the Town of Collingwood, in collaboration with the Affordable Housing Task Force, is hosting a virtual information session about the Affordable Housing Master Plan. This is an opportunity to understand the challenges we are facing as a community, so that we can work together on solutions that prioritize affordable housing in Collingwood.

Register today!

Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan

by Nicole Yardy, Climate Change Specialist, Town of Collingwood

The Town of Collingwood recognizes that it plays a role in maintaining a healthy environment and a sustainable future. The Collingwood Council unanimously declared a Climate Crisis in October 2019 to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change. On April 17, 2023, the Town of Collingwood adopted the Greener Collingwood Corporate Climate Change Action Plan which serves as a framework to address the Town’s corporate responsibility and dedication to mitigating climate change.

The Greener Collingwood Action Plan aims to achieve the following 3 goals:

  • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the Town of Collingwood’s corporate culture,
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% below 2019 levels by 2030, and
  • Become a corporate and municipal leader in sustainability initiatives and greenhouse gas reduction measures in the region.

Climatic changes can result in a variety of unintended consequences based on location. In Collingwood, risks could include, but are not limited to, human health concerns, social equity risks,
biodiversity loss, increased presence of invasive species, reduced water quality, increased natural disasters, economic challenges, and infrastructure damage. As part of the Town’s commitment to combat climate change, a Community Climate Action Plan will also be created through a collaborative approach with key stakeholders and residents.

For more information or to read the full Greener Collingwood Action Plan, please visit

Will you consider joining our community of Program Partners?

We are asking you to consider supporting the programming of the Institute to help advance collective leadership in our region and to ensure we can continue to provide free programming for all. The Institute aims to bridge gaps across sectors and address social needs, environmental impacts, and new ideas for a vibrant economy. Program supporters align themselves in building a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future in Southern Georgian Bay.

To support TISGB’s work, whether you are a resident or business, please visit the “Join us” page and choose a level of program support that suits you.