Getting Through the Pandemic: Arts & Culture Check-in  
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Please Join Us to Figure Out How We Will Get Through This!

About this Event

If you are an artist, maker, writer or performer or if you work in an organization or business that supports and contributes to the arts and culture of Southern Georgian Bay, we know you have been hit hard by the pandemic. As we head into winter, we’re creating a chance to connect and figure out how to support each other to get through this.

Here’s the first thing we want you to think about:

  • My most urgent need right now is…
  • The thing that would help the most right now is…

With the answers you bring to these questions at the first session we will figure out the next step about how we can support each other. It will only last an hour and we promise serious fun!

Future sessions might include:

  • where to find funding for projects or help in modifying where and how you do things
  • ways to share marketing and promotion
  • creating an emergency small grant fund

The sky’s the limit on what we might do together. 

Looking for little inspiration right now? Check out this short film How to be At Home. We think it will resonate. Have other things you think we can share or people you think we should be including? Let us know!


Please share this widely!

Vital Conversations with Young Adults  

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Are you ready for the future of work?

About this Event

Are you a young professional in the Grey Bruce area? An entrepreneur? Currently seeking to live and work locally? Participate in the conversation that uses an online visual collaborative platform that fosters design thinking. Share your thoughts on the changing nature of work and engage in a discussion that will be reflected in an upcoming Vital Signs report.

The online sessions will be facilitated by Melri Wright and Mike Wright of Ledge Leadership. The first meeting on Tuesday, October 20 will take a World Café style sharing knowledge and creating possibilities for action built on the notion of group intelligence. Participants will hear from inspiring local guest speakers and will be part of small group discussions. The second meeting, on Thursday October 22, presented in collaboration with Georgian College Centre for Changemaking and Social Innovation, will utilize an online design thinking platform that encourages visual collaborative thinking.

Mapping Our Road to Recovery
Part 4: Working Together Towards A More Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Future

Final Notes

Watch the Zoom Event

On Wednesday, June 24, 4:30-6pm, Part 4 Working together towards a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future will feature speakers from the major sectors of business, nonprofit/charitable, government, and philanthropy. This session will explore themes and action items in some of the Recovery Task Force plans across the region and how can we align objectives, pool resources, and accelerate collective action towards creating a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future.

Participants will receive a Zoom link to join in the confirmation email sent after registration, and again 48 hours and 24 hours before the event.

Mapping Our Road to Recovery
Part 3: Strategic Investments – Municipal Collaboration for Recovery

Final Notes

Watch the Zoom Event

Wednesday, June 10, 4:30-6pm

This session will explore what makes an investment strategic, what pools of capital can be considered for these investments, and how can we align objectives, pool resources, and accelerate municipal collaboration towards bringing ideas to life that can build a more resilient and sustainable future.

Participants will receive a Zoom link to join in the confirmation email sent after registration, and again 48 hours and 24 hours before the event.

Mapping Our Road to Recovery
Part 2: Facing the Future – A Collective Arts Strategy

Final Notes

This online discussion will feature speakers from the major sectors of business, nonprofit/charitable, government, and philanthropy.

Arts & Culture straddles all four sectors and is a key economic driver for municipalities across the country and around the world. It is a magnet for tourism, hospitality-related businesses, and next generation innovators.

Mapping Part 2

Mapping Our Road to Recovery Online Discussion Series
Registration details to come

May 27, 4:30-6pm – Part 2: Facing the future – A collective arts strategy
June 10, 4:30-6pm – Part 3: Strategic investments – Municipal collaboration for recovery
June 24, 4:30-6pm – Part 4: Looking towards a more resilient and sustainable future

online discussion

Mapping Our Road To Recovery – Part 1 of 4 Part Series

Final Notes

The next 100 days will be focused on bringing people together for strategic conversations about the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and to generate ideas for how we can take a new approach for shaping our future. The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay and collaborative partners are launching a four-part online discussion series called Mapping Our Road to Recovery.