Where it Started

Our regional arts network offers the support local artists need to reach new audiences, and we strive to enrich the culture of our community.

The idea of community means different things to different people, so our team at The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay is dedicated to listening to what various community members want and letting that input guide our objectives. One aspect of our community that many people are keen to improve is our regional arts scene—we believe in the value of the arts, and we have pursued various initiatives to support local artists of all kinds.

Regional Arts in Georgian Bay, Ontario

Recently, our team launched a dedicated arts network to connect artists in all disciplines across the Georgian Bay, Ontario region, as well as arts organizations and supporters. Our goal is to help people share resources and coordinate projects, ultimately letting artists reach a wider audience and giving people in the community more opportunities to experience visual art, music, drama, and more.

This regional arts network is being supported by not just our organization, but also by South Georgian Bay Tourism, Theatre Collingwood, and The Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts. Our team created this network to help artists collaborate with and learn from one another as colleagues, as well as to help artists and arts organizations find partners to sponsor and promote their projects. If you want to support the arts or are looking for collaborators, we encourage you to reach out to our team to find out how we can help.

We are proud to serve the Georgian Bay, Ontario community, and we want to help create a thriving art scene. If you are interested in getting involved in regional arts projects, we encourage you to give us a call to find out how to get started.