Will you help to create a more resilient and sustainable future? Fall event registration open!

In this newsletter:

  • Register now for our first Fall event!
  • Culture Days in Nottawa
  • Main Street Meaford – Call for volunteers
  • Business & Innovation at TISGB

Fall Event Registration Now Open

Registration is open for our first fall in-person event!
Join us for: Achieving Sustainability through a Greener Economy
NEW Date: Friday, October 27, 2023, 9:30 am-noon.
Doors open 9am at Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg, The Blue Mountains

Will you help to create a more resilient and sustainable future? As we all try to navigate through volatile, uncertain, and complex times, Achieving Sustainability through a Greener Economy offers the opportunity to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate to accelerate positive action on building resilient and sustainable communities.

Speakers will showcase action being taken by businesses, municipalities and counties, community groups, and philanthropists on sustainability plans, climate action, and new directions for creating a green economy.

Panel topics include:

  • Progress being made – counties, municipalities and community organizations working together
  • Connecting Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development – What does an emerging Green Economy look like in Southern Georgian Bay? What might we do to grow it?

Following the panels, participants across all sectors (Residents, and business, government, nonprofit, and philanthropic leaders) will engage in break-out sessions to help collectively shape the next steps for our region.

Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Three pillars – social, environmental, and economic – are viewed holistically, and in balance.

Register Now

This event is being made possible thanks to our Program Partners: The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay, Municipality of Meaford, Town of The Blue Mountains, and Town of Collingwood.

Culture Days in Nottawa

By Nottawa Art Studio & Retreat

Nottawa Art Studio & Retreat is a 1.5 acre haven for art and creative pursuits, offering events, accommodations, art classes and workshops, residencies, studio space, and more. You are invited to join our two upcoming events this fall:

Art Powered Pop-up poster


Art Powered Pop Up Event

Sept 23-24, 2023

A Culture Days Event

Please join us in Nottawa

Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 11am-4pm



Artful Harmonies Nottawa event


Artful Harmonies Oct 14, 2023

Culture Days Listing Artful Harmonies

Artful Harmonies Website


Nottawa Outdoor Sculpture & Art Show 

Self-guided tours 10am-6pm daily at 2 Townley Street, Nottawa, ON


Artfest Online Shop Online Featuring 125 Canadian Artists


Main Street Meaford – Call for Volunteers

By Rob Voigt, Director of Development Services at the Municipality of Meaford

Hand drawing of what the vision for Main Street is

The health, well-being, and sustainability of all our communities are linked to the success of our downtowns. This is why Main Street Meaford welcomes citizens of all ages, businesses, and supporters from across Meaford, and the broader region, to join together as active participants and catalysts for the downtown they love.

We thank everyone for your participation in this effort so far, and for offering your skills, time, and passion for moving ahead. The recent Idea Jamming event was a great success. The attached images of the graphic recordings that were completed at the event capture many of the great insights the community shared. The next steps include us coming together to complete a series of pilot projects under the four points of the Main Street framework (Design, Organization, Economic Vitality, Promotion) before the first AGM of Main Street Meaford later this fall, when the board will be elected from its membership.

Hand drawing of what Main Street is

Learn more about the Pilot Projects that are proposed here. If you are interested and can offer your time and effort to get any of these done between now and the end of October or early November please send an email to the project team at [email protected] or reach out to Robert Voigt, Director of Development Services at the Municipality of Meaford, [email protected].



TISGB Business & Innovation Design Team

Southern Georgian Bay is full of incredible social entrepreneurs who are tackling critical issues in our community. What is a social entrepreneur? A social entrepreneur develops, funds, and implements innovative ideas to advance the sustainable development goals. That’s why we are so grateful to have many emerging and established social entrepreneurs right here in Southern Georgian Bay.

Over the next few months our Business & Innovation Design Team will be sharing free social entrepreneurship resources and inspirational stories from local leaders making a difference through innovative businesses. Interested in volunteering on this Design Team? Send an email to [email protected] today!