The Unique Role Played by TISGB

In This Newsletter:

  • Innovation and the role of the Institute
  • Register Today! Green Economy Hub Info Session.
  • The Blue Mountains Declares a Housing Crisis
  • Georgian Bay Aspiring Geopark- Your input needed before September 30th

Innovation and the role of the Institute

By Jordie Burton, TISGB Board Member

The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay exists to connect people, foster collaboration and conduct research that fuels innovation.

With a focus on the early stages of innovation, TISGB looks closely at the roles of innovators and early adopters. Through the development of a regional network we connect and celebrate innovative people. We help to bring them together for opportunities of collaborative exploration.

We help to nurture innovative ideas through research support, publication and celebration. By bringing people together we can help to bring great ideas to more people and support the early adoption of new paradigms.

Our organization is volunteer and passion run. We understand our role to promote these early stages of innovation and through our network create support and funding opportunities for our partners. As great ideas begin to take root, we can continue to bring people, communities and others along until important ideas move from inception to majority adoption.

If you look at the chart below demonstrating the Diffusion of Innovation as explained by Everett Rogers, you can identify at least 5 areas that apply to the adoption of innovative solutions. Social change first begins with innovators. There are amazing ideas to help make the world better, but few of them gain enough traction to build momentum. When innovators have breakthroughs they rely on early adopters to help spread the word and give the idea or process some roots. All of this happens long before the majority understands the benefits of doing so. Eventually the early, then late majority of people adopt the innovation and it becomes a part of how we operate. There are so many examples of this to consider – but if you think solely about the use of electric vehicles you might imagine how this curve plays out.

We know that many operating businesses, not-for-profit organizations, townships, municipalities, and counties understand the ideal benefits of pursuing more environmentally and socially beneficial solutions. The reality is that many of these organizations do not have the time to invest or the funds to lead these conversations and projects. This is where TISGB plays an invaluable role – we have the willingness and ability to pursue these areas to the ultimate benefit of the organizations of Southern Georgian Bay.

As an independent organization we have the freedom, permission and responsibility to take on roles that many others cannot. The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay can support great and needed solutions that transcend borders and impact all of us. Our mission is to connect with innovators and support early adopters. If a great idea needs help to take roots, we believe we can support the needed growth.


Read more to see how this role has been played with the upcoming Green Economy Hub Pilot Project


A Green Economy Hub for South Georgian Bay is Closer Than Ever

Register to attend an in-person information session on the upcoming pilot project.

Sustainability is rapidly becoming a winning strategy for businesses and other organizations across Canada and Green Economy Hubs are playing a vital role. 

TISGB and CCAT are hosting an in-person info session on Thursday, October 3, 2024 from 6:30-8:00 PM that will feature local businesses sharing their experiences of making a difference by reducing their carbon footprints, after which Green Economy Canada and CCAT will take attendees through the structure and benefits of the pilot project. 

On October 3rd at the new Wasaga Beach arena, you’ll hear from:

  •  Eric Ennis- The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay, Co-Chair fo the Board, Co-Lead, Sustainability
  •  Tori Rooney- The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay, Co-Lead, Sustainability
  • Catherine Daw- Collingwood Climate Action Team, Chair of the Board
  • Laura Vermader- Collingwood Climate Action Team, Director of Community Engagement
  • Kathleen Caswell- Wasaga Beach Climate Action Team, Founder
  • Jeff Young- Georgain Bay Spirit Co, Supply and Sustainability Manager
  • Priyanka Lloyd- Green Economy Canada, Executive Director

As part of a national network led by the non-profit Green Economy Canada (GEC) these Hubs help businesses of all sectors and sizes reach their sustainability goals, by providing support to bridge the knowledge and capacity gaps organizations often face when considering sustainability. 

REGISTER HERE to attend our live event on Thursday, October 3rd at the new Wasaga Beach Arena and reach out to [email protected] for more information on the Green Economy Hub Pilot Project.

Register To Attend Live Event


The Blue Mountains Declares a Housing Crisis

By Janet Findlay, Blue Mountains Ratepayers Association

The Blue Mountains Housing Strategy Working Group made a presentation to Council at Committee of the Whole on Monday, August 26th. As a result of our efforts, Council declared that The Blue Mountains has a housing crisis. Timing was good as Councillors had just returned from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO’s) annual conference in Ottawa, where housing was the subject of significant discussion.

Regional Community Affordable Housing Action Plan


Save the Date! On Wednesday, November 13th from 4:30- 6:00 PM on Zoom, The Insitute Social Finance and Housing Team will present a Regional Community Affordable Housing Action Plan

Knowledge gained over two years of learning and several collaborative events, including solution-focused speakers from across Canada has resulted in a draft Regional Community Affordable Housing Plan. We are now inviting you to a follow-up virtual event to get input into how we can address the affordable housing crisis in our region collaboratively.

Plan to join us on Wednesday, November 13, 4:30-6pm, virtually, to review the plan and hear about two spheres of integrated activity which we believe is the best bet for progress: municipal leadership and community engagement. Elements of the plan include: a much-needed regional table focused on this issue, access to capital, acquisition of land and buildings, backbone organizations, deeper relationships with developers, and up-to-date supporting data.


Georgian Bay Aspiring Geopark


As the Institute grows and evolves, learning opportunities are important so that we keep connected to the changing issues and opportunities in our region. Tony Pigott, Executive Director, of the Georgian Bay Aspiring Geopark, gave us an update on the fascinating work happening with this extraordinary organization.

Georgian Bay Geopark

Global Geoparks are a new kind of park for the 21st century; regions of the world recognized for exceptional and globally significant geological, natural and cultural heritage. Unlike conventional “parks”, they do not have land title or restrictions and often encompass extensive regions with established communities, landowners, businesses, existing parks and recreation areas. Their aim is to conserve and enhance the unique geological, natural and cultural heritage of a region by promoting sustainable development through education, tourism, research and local community involvement. There are 195 UNESCO Geoparks in 47 countries – places like the Shetland Islands, Oaxaca Mexico, the Province of Beaujolais, the English Riviera and the Izu Peninsula of Japan. In Canada, there are four in the Maritimes and one in BC as well as five “Aspiring” Geoparks including Whistler BC and Georgian Bay See: 

Georgian Bay is an under-recognized Global Treasure whose future holds both opportunities and daunting challenges from population pressures and climate change. It is also a unique and remarkable showcase of all the essential qualities required for UNESCO designation:

  • Extraordinarily diverse and globally unique Geological formations and heritage,
  • The presence of multiple Indigenous communities with deep cultural and historical links to Georgian Bay from time immemorial, 

  • A landscape that has been central to shaping the history, culture and origins of Canada itself. 

For more information: