This area will include articles, reports and other documents from third parties that are relevant to the mission, pillars, projects and initiatives in which The Institute is involved and may be of general interest to the Southern Georgian Bay community.
Become a DEO(Destination Education Organization)
Noun: An in-destination management organization whose purpose is to increase length of stay, yield and overall satisfaction of visitors to the region. Specifically, by providing relevant education to communities, businesses and consumers.
South Georgian Bay Regional Economic Development Strategic Plan
This report has been produced at the request of the Town of Collingwood on behalf of the four municipalities, Wasaga Beach, Clearview Township, Collingwood and The Blue Mountains, that comprise the region referred to in this report as the South Georgian Bay Region.
Collingwood takes the top ranking in this group.
This CFIB report is the ninth annual look at what entrepreneurial characteristics Canada’s largest cities possess. In many respects, the massive sectoral and regional economic restructuring seen in the past two years has shown up in the cities’ entrepreneurship score.
We are seeing a relative rise of city scores in British Columbia and major urban centres in central Canada. Scores in resource-based prairie centres are falling back – but certainly not to the bottom of the list.
For the first time in five years, the top-ranking large community is not the grouping of municipalities that surround Calgary. That honour goes to Kelowna – moving up to take the top spot. The Toronto periphery, approximating the commonly known ‘905’ – which includes a dozen municipalities in Peel and York regions – takes second place, followed closely by geographic proximates Barrie and Guelph.
Among mid-sized urban areas, prairie cities have been supplanted by a diverse set in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Nova Scotia.
Collingwood takes the top ranking in this group.
On The Bay
A feature article in the Fall 2104 issue of On The Bay Magazine spotlighted the topic of regional prosperity through community engagement and introduced the concept of the Institute of Southern Georgian Bay. The article generated considerable “buzz”, getting people thinking and stirring discussion in the community.