Based on preliminary dialogue among various social agencies throughout Southern Georgian Bay – the Institute organized a one day call to action in January 2015. Liz Weaver from the Tamarack Institute facilitated the event and Heather Bebb from the County of Simcoe was a guest speaker. Sixty participants discussed gaps, potential actions and offered advice for each of the following social sector areas: Food Security, Housing, Income Security, Mental Health, Seniors, Transportation and Youth. The principal outcome from the day-long discussions was that success can only be achieved through strengthened collaboration, sharing of resources, increased community awareness, continued commitment and dialogue.
The call to action resulted in a white paper which identified strengths, challenges and a need for collaborative action.
Additional funding is available from a number of sources where agencies and organizations can come together to provide collective impact to the multiple issues affecting portions of our Community.
The Institute is providing an opportunity for the regional Community to come together to make a difference by moving forward with a more connected and effective strategy.