Film Festival, Arts Network Launch Party, and Local Sustainable Economies

In this newsletter:

  • Meaford International Film Festival – MIFF!
  • SGB Arts Network Launch Party
  • Local Sustainable Economies regional online discussions – fall line-up




The Meaford International Film Festival is the Meaford Culture Foundation’s flagship cultural event, held annually on Labour Day weekend at Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre. This unique cultural experience promotes award-winning films, exciting guest speakers, local restaurants and caterers, and more. Plus, top it off with a great after party! This year’s event will feature 5 great films, 4 dinners, 4 guest speakers, and 4 parties. Enjoy a single evening, or come to them all! Details at

SGB Arts Network Launch Party


SGB Arts Network Launch Party

By Amber Ebert, Network Development Coordinator

The summer has been busy for the SGB Arts Network. With so many arts and culture events taking place across the region, we have enjoyed the opportunity to reach out and connect with new artists and organizations. We have been overwhelmed by the interest and support received for the network thus far. Our growing membership now spans the region and represents a range of artists and art forms, establishing the network as a vital and vibrant resource for the arts and culture community. We are pleased to announce two upcoming events that will help celebrate the network while promoting the wealth of artists from the SGB region:

SGB Arts Network Launch Party – October 2

Save the date! The SGB Arts Network will hold our Launch Party on October 2nd from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Collingwood Brewery. We are excited to host the first in-person event to launch the network. Please join us for an evening of celebration and networking with artists, arts organizations/businesses and supporters of the SGB arts and culture community. The event will also showcase live music, dance and poetry from artists representing the SGB region. Details and the list of performers will be released shortly. Tickets are PWYC and can be booked via Eventbrite. All proceeds directly support the Network.

SGB Arts Network Weekend of Culture

As part of the Network’s official launch, and in connection with Ontario Culture Days, we have created the Weekend of Culture to help highlight and promote all of the diverse arts and culture events taking place in the region over the weekend of Oct 1 & 2. Stay tuned for more details in the next Institute newsletter!

Local Sustainable Economies: 6-part online discussion series

Local Sustainable Economies: 6-part online discussion series

Together, we are bridging the gaps across sectors to address some of the challenges and opportunities for Southern Georgian Bay – social needs, environmental impacts, and new ideas for a vibrant economy.

The Institute’s 2022 regional online discussion series brings business, nonprofits, government, and philanthropic leaders together with residents to collectively explore how we build a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future. Recording and material from the first two events held in the spring can be found here.

Upcoming events include –

September: New Directions for Business – the shift toward triple bottom lines
October: A Green Economy Hub – multiple benefits for our region
November: The Role of the Arts – strengthening local economies and creativity
December: Multi-Sector Partnerships and the Role of Philanthropy

Look for dates and registration details in upcoming newsletters and through social media. Encourage your friends and colleagues to subscribe to our newsletter And, please support our programming so that it remains free for everyone. Join us here!