Register now for Sustainable Affordable Housing event June 22, 4:30pm!

Local Sustainable Economies online discussion series

Part 2: Sustainable Affordable Housing: Data to Drive Effective Decision-Making

Register Now!

Affordable Housing: spending only 30% of pre-tax household income on shelter costs, including rent or mortgage payments, realty taxes and utilities, for everyone.

This community conversation for the Grey/Simcoe region is a chance to hear what the numbers tell us about our local reality and finding homes in our communities in the midst of a housing crisis. The goal of this event is to bring residents and business, government, nonprofit, and philanthropic leaders together to discuss how each of us can help.

Stuart Reid, Executive Director, Community Foundation Grey Bruce and Marg Scheben-Edey, Chair of the Regional Affordable Housing Task Force South Georgian Bay, will share their data perspective from two recently published reports. These reports illustrate the magnitude of this community challenge and how it affects all of us. Through this knowledge-sharing, we are better-positioned to move toward solution-making, where each of us can play a role.

Please join this important conversation! Here is the link to the Community Challenge Statement.
Pre-reads to find out more:

  • Why do we have an affordable housing problem?
  • What are the consequences when there is a lack of affordable housing?
  • How is this a social justice and an economic sustainability issue?
  • What can municipalities do?
  • What can we all do?

Vital Focus on Housing, published by Community Foundation Grey Bruce

Regional Affordable Housing Task Force South Georgian Bay Report